Welcome to FIREPRO

Your fire protection specialists

(410) 213-1880

12507 Sunset Ave Unit 5
Ocean City, Maryland 21842

Emergency Service available 24 hours a day.

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40 years experience serving the Eastern Shore for all its Fire Alarm needs.

We have been providing quality fire alarm installations, inspections, servicing, remodels, repairs and monitoring with our factory trained and NICET certified technicians and designers since 1985.

Fire Marshal Inspection Certificates

We can provide and file all required fire alarm, smoke control and elevator recall inspection certificates required by code. In fact, our inspectors have direct computerized access to most fire marshal systems for timely on-line filing from their trucks.

Installation and Modifications

We have a proven record of hundreds of successful installations in every kind of building occupancy. Whether you are building or remodeling a high-rise, apartments, hotel, motel, condominiums, entertainment facility, retail space, governmental facility, amusement park or industrial buildings we have designed and installed them all and continue to service and maintain them.

Service and Repair

We provide factory trained and NICET certified technicians who can handle any service or repair you require. They also have access to our extensive stock of parts that get your system back up and running in hours, not days or weeks. Our technicians are available 24 hours a day to provide any service or emergency service you require.

Extensive Parts Inventory

When your system needs a repair part you shouldn't have to wait days or weeks. Firepro maintains a large inventory of repair parts, boards, and accessories to get your system back online as soon as possible. We stock complete panels and repair boards for many of the major fire alarm manufacturers including Mircom, Silent Knight, and Firelite to name a few.

Fire Alarm Inspections

The fire codes in Maryland and Delaware require that your fire alarm system be inspected twice a year by a qualified individual. It also requires that certificates of inspection be filed with the proper authority having jurisdiction. Our fully computerized system ensures that your required inspections are performed when needed and that the certificates are filed in a timely manner. Both jurisdictions impose fines and penalties for failure to comply with the inspection requirements.

Smoke Control Inspections

Smoke control systems are designed so that in the event of a fire the occupants will have a survivable environment as they exit the building. In other words, the systems are designed so that occupants can escape the building without being overcome by smoke as they leave the building. We perform operational testing of these complicated systems using specialized equipment and file our inspection results with the fire marshal.

Elevator Recall Inspections

State elevator codes require that the systems used to recall and shunt the elevators in case of fire be regularly inspected by qualified individuals and that copies of these inspections be filed with the state's elevator inspection agency. Failure to do so can result in your elevators being shut down by the state. We regularly conduct these inspections and file the necessary paperwork for you.

Alarm Monitoring

Most fire alarm systems, and all systems supervising a sprinkler system must be remotely monitored. We provide UL listed monitoring for all types of fire alarm systems and sprinkler monitoring panels. Older codes required that fire panels be monitored using two phone lines, but newer codes now require the use of another form of transmission be provided in addition to phone lines. We can provide you with options that save you from having to pay for any phone lines. See our Wireless Monitoring section for further details.

Wireless Alarm Monitoring

Fire alarm systems can also be monitored wirelessly. While we can provide monitoring using cellular systems, we also operate an extensive AES-Intellinet mesh network of fire radios. The strength of our mesh system is that it is a failsafe system that does not rely on any single point, such as a cell tower, to continue to provide service.

Design and Installation Services

We can design and install systems for any size building. Our designers can produce fully scaled CAD drawings for any project and create fire marshal submittal packages including all calculations. We can also obtain all required permits and approvals necessary. Our designers are NICET Level IV certified, NICET's highest fire alarm certification.. Our technicians and electricians have many years of experience installing and maintaining all types of fire alarm systems.

Carbon Monoxide Detection

We can install and maintain devices that detect the presence of deadly carbon monoxide. Most jurisdictions now require that carbon monoxide detectors be installed where there is the opportunity that malfunctioning equipment can produce CO gas. If you have gas appliances or fireplaces you are required to install carbon monoxide detectors.

Smoke Alarms

We sell and install smoke alarms. All dwelling units must be equipped with smoke alarms in accordance with NFPA 72 and State law. We have experience in designing and installing smoke alarms in all classes of occupancy, with an emphasis on large multi-unit buildings such as high-rises, hotels and condominiums.

Contact Us.

For emergency service, questions and answers, or to schedule service call us at
or you may email us at
Non Emergency Customer Service.
for non emergency questions.